2 min readMar 15, 2017


Guessing at this point President NutKracker is flexing his chubby little fingers, as he prepares to grab an army of ‘pussy’. He is of course the commander-in-chief and has to inspect all outfits to make sure everything is in order ( that disgusting jack&$#)! This is so revolting a revolt is necessary by any honorable men who make up the marines.

Are there any honorable leaders in the US military anymore?

We are insulted by the way ISIS treats the women on that side of the world; are the US military men any different, with their disgusting disrespectful behavior? Hey from the commander-in-chief now all the way down the ranks this smells and looks awful! They may not be raping and murdering at the same rate but its happening , just not in the open.

Its not just photos, its violating the rights of these women, and raping them and killing their personas with every unauthorized photo shared. Its stripping a woman of her own rights to safety within the workplace. Its sexual harassment. Its stalking and cyberbullying. These women may aspire to leadership roles and may not be taken seriously by subordinates. This robs these honorable ladies of their dignity in serving in the Marines. How can the people expect one group of men to be held accountable for their disgraceful actions when someone worse than they are was given the highest office in the land ( even though through conniving means).

Given the track record of the Marines and the president presently, the outcome does not lean in favor of justice. Like Conway and ethics, they will get away with this, and President Sicko will have a lot of photos to enjoy at his leisure and pleasure.

I’m just pissed off. This has to be a bad dream of 2017!




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